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Curriculum Overview - Kindergarten


At St. Joseph, Kindergarten is an exciting year designed to promote and enhance your child’s growth and  development while encouraging and fostering the love of learning.  This very important year promises to be one filled with discovery and joy as your child works and plays in a loving and nurturing environment. 

In Kindergarten, the  structure of daily activities is carefully planned to encourage independence, self confidence and group cooperation. Lessons are taught using large group and small group instruction filled with a variety of hands-on, interactive experiences. The lessons incorporate instruction and reinforcement in reading readiness, language development, mathematics, writing, science and social studies, and social/emotional skills. Kindergarteners enjoy participating in special enrichment classes which include Music, Art, Physical Education, Spanish, Religion,  Technology and Guidance. So much to learn and do! 

In kindergarten SJS uses a very successful phonics program called Orton Gilliham which entails using explicit instruction in which students learn and practice methods for mastering: phonemic awareness, phonics, memorization techniques for high-frequency words, auditory sound discrimination, and much more. This multi-sensory methodology engages the auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning. Students will leave kindergarten knowing how to read and write!

Students will receive a basic knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts from which to build upon. They will explore patterns, shapes, measurement, telling time, and identifying and counting money. Students also will learn to count and write to 100, place value, addition, and subtraction. 

St Joseph has an exciting science curriculum! Kindergarteners learn about plants and animals, and their impact on our environment. We take field trips and use concrete experiences to enrich learning in this area. Other topics of study include weather, magnets, and force and motion.
The social studies curriculum includes learning about “myself”,  families and communities. We also take a look at our country’s history, cultures,  and symbols. As we celebrate holidays throughout the year kindergarteners will gain an understanding of their meanings and significance. 
Kindergarteners at St. Joseph will also gain an awareness of and develop a close relationship with God through his teachings referenced throughout the day, in religion class, and  through daily prayers. All SJS students attend weekly Mass and other traditional Catholic ceremonies throughout the year. 

In kindergarten at SJS we know that it is crucial to build a positive, solid foundation early. One from which your child can build upon throughout their learning years to become successful and productive adults who follow in Christ. It’s also imperative to establish a love of learning!