How to link the SJS Calendar to your own
- Parent Resources
- Academic Activities for Summer
- New Families - Getting Started
- Calendar
- Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
- Extended Day Program (EDP)
- FACTS Financial
- Georgia GOAL
- Handbook
- Inclement Weather
- Lunch Program
- FACTS Family Portal
- Forms
- School Supplies
- STREAM Knight
- Support SJS
- Uniforms
- Volunteer Program
- Yearbook
- Safe Environment
Never miss an event at SJS! Follow these easy directions to link the school calendar with your own. Works with all types of calendars and apps.
Directions for linking the School Calendar to your personal calendar
- Parent Resources
- Academic Activities for Summer
- New Families - Getting Started
- Calendar
- Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
- Extended Day Program (EDP)
- FACTS Financial
- Georgia GOAL
- Handbook
- Inclement Weather
- Lunch Program
- FACTS Family Portal
- Forms
- School Supplies
- STREAM Knight
- Support SJS
- Uniforms
- Volunteer Program
- Yearbook
- Safe Environment
GOAL Scholarship