Spiritual Formation
St. Joseph Catholic Parish School is active in providing spiritual formation for its students. All grades attend weekly Mass celebrated by our clergy. Students in grades 2-8 actively participate as lectors, altar servers, ushers, and gift-bearers.
Additionally, one Sunday each month is set aside as the school's Mass. Under the direction of our catechists and religious leaders, the students participate through reading and singing at Mass. On All Saints' Day, fifth grade students dress-up as a Saint of their choice and do a presentation on them after Mass. Christmas Mass is enhanced by a gospel re-enactment of the birth of Christ. During Holy Week, the seventh grade students present a live dramatization of the Stations of the Cross. On Palm Sunday, our students dress-up as followers of Christ and wave palms as they enter the sanctuary. At this same Mass, our older students read the Passion of our Lord.
Second grade students receive their First Holy Communion and experience their First Reconciliation through the school and church. Reconciliation is provided for all Catholic students every month, especially during Advent, and again during Lent. SJS seeks to provide an environment encouraging knowledge of and closeness with Christ, most especially through devotion to Him in the Eucharist.