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Tuition and Fees

2024-2025 Tuition




Rising 6th Grade and New Middle School Students - Leased Chromebooks

Beginning in the 2020-2021 school year, we started our new Chromebook lease program! Students in 6th grade and new middle school students will lease a Chromebook from the school. The Chromebook will be leased to the student for their middle school years (6th-8th grade). The Chromebook will remain at school in a cart and be used by the students in all of their classes.

The cost of the Chromebook, the Google Device Management License, and the 3 years of accidental damage protection (ADP) will be added as an additional fee for the school year. After 6th grade, no additional lease payments will be necessary. The student’s new Chromebook will be given to them at the beginning of the school year. The student will use the same Chromebook for 6th-8th grade. Upon graduation, the student may take the Chromebook with them or donate it back to the school and the parent(s) will receive a tax donation letter from the school. If the student leaves the school prior to graduation and the Chromebook is paid in full, the student may take the Chromebook with them or donate it back to the school.

Click here for complete information about the leased Chromebook program.

GOAL Scholarship